
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Mid semester update!

Hey everyone, 
I hope you are all staying afloat as midterm exams are still steadily coming in and projects are due. I know things can get a little hectic, but I know you all will get through it easily. 

This semester has gone by pretty quickly, and I hope you all are doing as well or better than I am. This semester I have been heading home the majority of the weekends, but have made it to a couple of football games, while also working and hanging out with family. At work I have been driving around soil sampling, and driving some small tender trucks. 

Just last week I had a few interviews for an internship with some companies from the Purdue Ag career fair, and I look forward to having a few more interviews while also narrowing down the job search. After going through a few interviews you really start to improve on your skills and improve on the questions you ask and the answers you give for future years. 

If you have any questions please feel free to email me, or send Jane or Sherry a request for the agronomy ambassador calendar.  Also feel free to cheer for us as we look forward to winning the Ag Olympics for the third straight year!

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