Happy Fall Everyone!
It has been quite the week spent in class, taking exams, and oh we got to spend some great time in Phoenix, Arizona sharing the love for Agronomy with hundreds of students. Just one short week ago about twelve of us flew out to Arizona for the national Students of Agronomy, Soils, and Environmental Sciences (SASES) meeting. This was my first national meeting for the organization and was not so sure what to expect, but I was amazed at the opportunities and great fun we had while in the Southwest.

The tours were amazing, but the opportunities for networking and professional growth were outstanding. Throughout our few days there we got to look at research posters and discuss with grad students their research and findings and the opportunities for us in grad school. Many of us in our group also had the opportunity to participate and excel in our competition areas. I personally got to participate in the speech contest and met so many passionate individuals in this area and I learned so much from my and their speech research. We did very well with our quiz bowl team and learned a lot in crops judging as well.
There is so much more to share about this trip and the opportunities in agronomy and the Purdue Agronomy Club! Please feel free to contact me at dwestpha@purdue.edu
Best Wishes
Dakota Westphal
Agronomic Business & Marketing
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