Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Welcome back
Hello, and welcome back all returning students and welcome new students. I am Kyle Fogle a senior in agronomic business and marketing. This summer really went by fast and I hope everyone accomplished there goals that they had this summer with there internships or other adventures they participated in. My summer included an internship with Premier Ag and I also worked for a local row crop and livestock farm. My summer at Premier Ag mainly consisted of crop scouting and sampling. I worked as an extension to the sales man so they could get across more acres and I handled most of the tissue sampling. Another opportunity is I ran a dry spread on some hay ground. Now for the row crop farm I planted all 800 acres of soybeans, and I scouted there fields for stand population, spraying, and fungicide. I also helped them with the care of the 120 cow herd which included pasture and cow maintenance along with the production of dry hay. Now when I wasn't working this summer I enjoyed going to tractor pulls around the state along with county fair and state fair. I am glad to be back for the last year I have and I wish everyone the best of luck whether they are deciding to come to Purdue, in there first week of class, or finishing like I am.
Welcome Back!
Hello Everyone!
I hope y'all had a wonderful summer and a ready to be back on campus! I am excited to be back, but I also did not want the year to start because I'm a senior now and its going to go quick. I cannot believe that I started at Purdue over three years ago. It has been an amazing journey so far and I'm excited for what this year will bring.
My name is Sarah Voglewede and I am a senior in Agronomy and Agribusiness Marketing. I am also working toward my certificates in Entrepreneurship & Innovation, the Dean's Scholars Honor's Program, and the LDCP. Some of y'all might meet me through either the Dean's Scholars Freshman Seminar, the Agronomy Club, or through AGEC 331. If you have any questions about the COA or Purdue in general, please ask! I've been on campus for a while and I am here to help!
This summer I had the opportunity to move out to Columbia, Missouri and work for BASF as a sales associate for the NE Missouri and South Central Iowa areas. I had a great experience traveling around and calling on retail locations to drive fungicide and insecticide usage. I was also able to conduct behavioral based surveying with retailers about their purchasing decisions and chemical choices. I spent most of my time driving to talk to retailers and in soybean field looking at crops. A few of the days I had the opportunity to help spray some fields!
I hope y'all had a wonderful summer and a ready to be back on campus! I am excited to be back, but I also did not want the year to start because I'm a senior now and its going to go quick. I cannot believe that I started at Purdue over three years ago. It has been an amazing journey so far and I'm excited for what this year will bring.
My name is Sarah Voglewede and I am a senior in Agronomy and Agribusiness Marketing. I am also working toward my certificates in Entrepreneurship & Innovation, the Dean's Scholars Honor's Program, and the LDCP. Some of y'all might meet me through either the Dean's Scholars Freshman Seminar, the Agronomy Club, or through AGEC 331. If you have any questions about the COA or Purdue in general, please ask! I've been on campus for a while and I am here to help!
This summer I had the opportunity to move out to Columbia, Missouri and work for BASF as a sales associate for the NE Missouri and South Central Iowa areas. I had a great experience traveling around and calling on retail locations to drive fungicide and insecticide usage. I was also able to conduct behavioral based surveying with retailers about their purchasing decisions and chemical choices. I spent most of my time driving to talk to retailers and in soybean field looking at crops. A few of the days I had the opportunity to help spray some fields!
Riding in the sprayer! |
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Soybean fields in Missouri |
For everyone who is new on campus, welcome! I hope that you use your time here at Purdue in the best way possible. Don't be afraid to ask questions or get involved across campus. There are so many things to become involved in and a great way to start in the COA is to go to the Ice Cream Social this Wednesday August 29th. I would love to see you there!
Sarah Voglewede
Monday, August 27, 2018
Good to be back!!!
Hey there everyone, I hope everybody enjoyed there short summer and is eager to get back to school. My name is Karson Kamman, I am a Senior this year in Agronomic Business and Marketing. This summer I was able to work from my home area for Advanced Agrilytics, taking care of a handful of growers that I personally knew prior to this experience. So you can say that I had a unique summer. A large part of my responsibility was physically being in the field, gathering attributes and field conditions as the summer went along, aka scouting haha, but I was also given the opportunity to work with these growers directly. One of my growers raised non-gmo corn, so for the summer I put out pheromone that I checked back on occasionally, trying to track specific moth flight patterns and when they were going to be infesting his corn. I also worked with two farmers that were both doing micro/macro nutrient applications throughout the summer, one through a pivot irrigation system and the other by a drip tape method. I was able to do quite a bit of nutrient analysis and recommendations as the growing season progressed and was able to gain a better understanding of various nutrient needs at different crop growth stages. Overall I had an amazing summer, and am excited to see what opportunities I will be presented with within the next year. But as for the time being I am looking forward to enjoying my summer year academically and socially.
Enjoy your semesters, have fun and keep up on the school work.
Karson Kamman
Hello Students!!
Welcome back returning students and hello to all the new friendly faces! With syllabus week off to the races, the school year has officially begun. Its crazy to think that this is my last fall semester here at Purdue, I dreaded coming to school this week because I knew that as soon as I started it, it would be over in a blink of an eye. The last three years here have treated me well and I can’t wait to see what year four has in store for me.
This past summer I had an incredible internship with Ag Ingenuity Partners as a research intern in Huntington, IN. I received and excepted this offer back in November of last year the Ag Career Fair held by the College of Agriculture. The company provided me with room and board all summer along with 11 weeks of paid learning. Over the summer I gain experience in GIS, plant pathology, entomology, weed science, data collection, and fertigation. I spent the summer collecting data by collecting plant samples along with soil samples to analyze for nutrients and weights. I was also asked to write two protocols for processing corn and soybean plants at different growth stages. This internship allowed me to expand my network and meet new Purdue students as well. It is the perfect position if you are looking for both field and lab work. With that being said you should check them out at the career fair this October!!
Make sure to be updating your resumes and getting them checked by faculty members of the CCO located in Young hall! The fall career fairs will be here before you know it!
Julia Fibbe
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Welcome Back Boilers! Summer sure did fly by. I hope everyone enjoyed your time off and are ready for another exiting year at Purdue!
Over the summer I had an internship with a company from back near where I am from, just outside of Bluffton, IN, called Tech Services Inc. (TSI). This company does many kinds of plot research on corn, soybeans, and wheat. While I was there for the summer, I worked with mainly corn and soybeans.
At the beginning of the summer, I mainly helped prepare for planting. That involves packaging seed and writing stakes to mark the individual plots. TSI has plots in many different states. I was a part of a 6-person group that traveled to the plots to mark it with stakes, do population counts, some soil test, as well as vigor scores. We traveled from Indiana and the states between here and South Dakota. The furthest south we traveled, was to Tennessee. We also did short day trips to Ohio and Michigan. It was neat to get to travel the back roads of these states.
After we finished traveling around to the plots, I returned to the office to enter the data we collected into the computer. I also spent a week at a breeding nursery at ConAgra in Brookston, IN. I learned how to pollinate corn during that week. I did get the opportunity to learn about plot combines before I finished my time at TSI too.
While I was busy at work, I was also busy with my family during the weeks I wasn’t on the road traveling. We are currently in the middle of remodeling our home. This summer we have been working hard to make some progress. We repainted nearly every room in our house and are now ready for flooring! This new update is exciting for us!
For the first time in two years I got to join my family on our family vacation. We go together to Lake Cumberland, Kentucky to camp and spend the week on the lake. We have been doing this trip for as long as I can remember and we never fail to have a good time! For the first time this year we tried out a new camp ground. It was located up the river from the Wolf Creek Dam. We had a neat view of the river right across the road from our camp sites. My brother and I took a bike ride across the dam, that was a big hill to go up, but was defiantly worth it! During the day we spend our day out on the water in the boat. Water sports are a lot of fun; my favorite is wake surfing behind the boat.
I return to Purdue with many new rolls. One of those being the new Horticulture Society President. I am looking forward to this opportunity and challenge! I am also excited to get to be an assistant for the flower arranging and house plant class (HORT 360) as well! This will also be neat opportunity as well as a good learning experience!
Although summer has come to an end, we are all starting this new beginning of the school year together. I wish the best of luck to all of you! As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me!
Boiler Up & Hammer Down!
Ashley Thurman
Over the summer I had an internship with a company from back near where I am from, just outside of Bluffton, IN, called Tech Services Inc. (TSI). This company does many kinds of plot research on corn, soybeans, and wheat. While I was there for the summer, I worked with mainly corn and soybeans.
At the beginning of the summer, I mainly helped prepare for planting. That involves packaging seed and writing stakes to mark the individual plots. TSI has plots in many different states. I was a part of a 6-person group that traveled to the plots to mark it with stakes, do population counts, some soil test, as well as vigor scores. We traveled from Indiana and the states between here and South Dakota. The furthest south we traveled, was to Tennessee. We also did short day trips to Ohio and Michigan. It was neat to get to travel the back roads of these states.
After we finished traveling around to the plots, I returned to the office to enter the data we collected into the computer. I also spent a week at a breeding nursery at ConAgra in Brookston, IN. I learned how to pollinate corn during that week. I did get the opportunity to learn about plot combines before I finished my time at TSI too.
While I was busy at work, I was also busy with my family during the weeks I wasn’t on the road traveling. We are currently in the middle of remodeling our home. This summer we have been working hard to make some progress. We repainted nearly every room in our house and are now ready for flooring! This new update is exciting for us!
For the first time in two years I got to join my family on our family vacation. We go together to Lake Cumberland, Kentucky to camp and spend the week on the lake. We have been doing this trip for as long as I can remember and we never fail to have a good time! For the first time this year we tried out a new camp ground. It was located up the river from the Wolf Creek Dam. We had a neat view of the river right across the road from our camp sites. My brother and I took a bike ride across the dam, that was a big hill to go up, but was defiantly worth it! During the day we spend our day out on the water in the boat. Water sports are a lot of fun; my favorite is wake surfing behind the boat.
I return to Purdue with many new rolls. One of those being the new Horticulture Society President. I am looking forward to this opportunity and challenge! I am also excited to get to be an assistant for the flower arranging and house plant class (HORT 360) as well! This will also be neat opportunity as well as a good learning experience!
Although summer has come to an end, we are all starting this new beginning of the school year together. I wish the best of luck to all of you! As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me!
Boiler Up & Hammer Down!
Ashley Thurman
Welcome Back! Junior Year and Summer Recap
Hello everyone! I sure hope that you all had a great summer. School is back in full swing (which is crazy to think!) and campus is really bustling! In that case, I do hope that the first week back was a good one also!!
Over the summer, I was a NutriSolutions intern for Ceres Solutions. My main branch was located in a little town called Ade, IN. However, I was in charge of northern Indiana and areas going down to Rockville, IN. So for this position I was taking tissue samples of corn and soybeans for 4 days during the week. Once I took the samples, I dropped them off at the UPS store and they were sent to SureTech Labs in Indianapolis. Since we didn't want the samples to be sitting over the weekend, we had Fridays to do whatever we wanted whether that was riding around with salesmen or agronomists, working at our respective branches, or going on tours with other interns. I got to experience a little bit of all of those. I especially enjoyed working at the Ade branch because I learned a lot about their operations and the people there are just so awesome and helpful. I had a great time with this internship and definitely got to see a lot of Indiana in the whole process! This is definitely an internship that I would suggest to others as I really got to build meaningful connections and see how a co-op is ran. I did receive this internship through the Purdue College of Ag Career Fair at the beginning of October. Even if this particular internship doesn't seem to be what you are looking for, the career fair brings in so many companies with great opportunities as well!
I am a junior this year in Agronomy: Crop and Soil Management and am super excited to be back! I am really enjoying my classes so far, especially BTNY 304 which is Introductory Weed Science with Dr. Young. However, I do think that all of my classes are pretty exciting which should (hopefully!) make for a good semester. I am still involved in Agronomy Club, Agronomy Ambassadors, Collegiate Farm Bureau, and the Honors College. Callouts will be starting shortly so be on the lookout for those as well! For more exciting news, I will be studying abroad in Haiti for 10 days over winter break as a service learning trip. I am taking a semester-long course that is helping us prepare for the trip and I am really enjoying it so far! I am super exited for the trip because I know it will be an eye-opener but it will be a great experience. In addition, I will be traveling to Washington D.C. for the USDA Crop Lock-In through the Collegiate Farm Bureau. This will be a great chance to network, experience the "lock-up" process, and learn how crop production estimates are collected and reported by the USDA. This is another great experience that I am definitely looking forward to!
All in all, I really hope that everyone has been acclimating well to being back at school. It may seem a little busy now but it should calm down soon! Be sure to check out new or different clubs and don't be afraid to get involved! There are so many awesome clubs and organizations around Purdue and you should be able to find one (or several) that spark your interest. I hope that everyone has a great beginning of their semester and remember, please reach out if you have any questions!
Boiler Up!
-Kelley Roberts (rober377@purdue.edu)
Over the summer, I was a NutriSolutions intern for Ceres Solutions. My main branch was located in a little town called Ade, IN. However, I was in charge of northern Indiana and areas going down to Rockville, IN. So for this position I was taking tissue samples of corn and soybeans for 4 days during the week. Once I took the samples, I dropped them off at the UPS store and they were sent to SureTech Labs in Indianapolis. Since we didn't want the samples to be sitting over the weekend, we had Fridays to do whatever we wanted whether that was riding around with salesmen or agronomists, working at our respective branches, or going on tours with other interns. I got to experience a little bit of all of those. I especially enjoyed working at the Ade branch because I learned a lot about their operations and the people there are just so awesome and helpful. I had a great time with this internship and definitely got to see a lot of Indiana in the whole process! This is definitely an internship that I would suggest to others as I really got to build meaningful connections and see how a co-op is ran. I did receive this internship through the Purdue College of Ag Career Fair at the beginning of October. Even if this particular internship doesn't seem to be what you are looking for, the career fair brings in so many companies with great opportunities as well!
I am a junior this year in Agronomy: Crop and Soil Management and am super excited to be back! I am really enjoying my classes so far, especially BTNY 304 which is Introductory Weed Science with Dr. Young. However, I do think that all of my classes are pretty exciting which should (hopefully!) make for a good semester. I am still involved in Agronomy Club, Agronomy Ambassadors, Collegiate Farm Bureau, and the Honors College. Callouts will be starting shortly so be on the lookout for those as well! For more exciting news, I will be studying abroad in Haiti for 10 days over winter break as a service learning trip. I am taking a semester-long course that is helping us prepare for the trip and I am really enjoying it so far! I am super exited for the trip because I know it will be an eye-opener but it will be a great experience. In addition, I will be traveling to Washington D.C. for the USDA Crop Lock-In through the Collegiate Farm Bureau. This will be a great chance to network, experience the "lock-up" process, and learn how crop production estimates are collected and reported by the USDA. This is another great experience that I am definitely looking forward to!
All in all, I really hope that everyone has been acclimating well to being back at school. It may seem a little busy now but it should calm down soon! Be sure to check out new or different clubs and don't be afraid to get involved! There are so many awesome clubs and organizations around Purdue and you should be able to find one (or several) that spark your interest. I hope that everyone has a great beginning of their semester and remember, please reach out if you have any questions!
Boiler Up!
-Kelley Roberts (rober377@purdue.edu)
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Senior Year
Hey all,
Senior year! Crazy how fast is comes up. But here I am!
I had an amazing summer where I was the Ag Tech Intern for Co-Alliance. In this role I flew drones over fields to take field imagery and assess field health. I also was in charge of training the other drone pilots that worked for Co-Alliance this summer. It was a great experience before my senior year.
As I come into this semester I am excited to see what incredible opportunities will come up. As sad as I am to see senior year come up so quickly and my time here at Purdue coming to a close, I know that this semester will bring many new and exciting opportunities that will change my life for years to come.
Can't wait!
Senior year! Crazy how fast is comes up. But here I am!
I had an amazing summer where I was the Ag Tech Intern for Co-Alliance. In this role I flew drones over fields to take field imagery and assess field health. I also was in charge of training the other drone pilots that worked for Co-Alliance this summer. It was a great experience before my senior year.
As I come into this semester I am excited to see what incredible opportunities will come up. As sad as I am to see senior year come up so quickly and my time here at Purdue coming to a close, I know that this semester will bring many new and exciting opportunities that will change my life for years to come.
Can't wait!
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Summer Internship!
Greetings everyone,
My name is Andrew Chupp, and I’m beginning my senior year this fall in Crop and
Soil Management with a minor in Food and Agribusiness Management. It’s hard to believethat senior year is already here and I will be making some important career decisions
soon. As I look back on the years I've had at Purdue I can't express how many opportunities
I have been given to grow myself as a young professional, travel, and grow in my faith.
Looking forward to the things senior year will bring!
This summer I had the opportunity to work for Corteva Agriscience as a Pioneer Sales
Agronomy Intern. During my time with Pioneer I worked closely with the field agronomist
and sales territory managers to help grow our business in Southern Indiana. I was responsible
for conducting my own project revolving around sulfur fertility on soybeans and presenting my
findings to corporate and area leaders. I was able to bring value to the team by completing some
soil fertility analysis and using my project to reach customers throughout the area. I am grateful
for this experience because it gave me a grasp of what a full-time role looks like and the
responsibility that comes along with it.
I obtained this internship through the career fair that the college of agriculture hosts each
fall to help students get connected with industry and ultimately get jobs following graduation.
This year's fair is coming up on October 2nd where many companies throughout the ag industry will be present to recruit students for internships and full-time positions. Internships really give you some great experience and expose you to things that you learn in the classroom but haven’t experienced yet.
fall to help students get connected with industry and ultimately get jobs following graduation.
This year's fair is coming up on October 2nd where many companies throughout the ag industry will be present to recruit students for internships and full-time positions. Internships really give you some great experience and expose you to things that you learn in the classroom but haven’t experienced yet.
God Bless,
Andrew Chupp
Feel free to email me with questions - chupp1@purdue.edu
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