I am Deatra Gremaux, a current senior majoring in Agronomic Business and Marketing, with minors in Food and Agribusiness Management and Weed Science at Purdue University. I am scheduled to graduate this spring semester in May of 2018. During my time at Purdue, I have been involved with Agronomy Club, and I serve as the social media director for it. Our club's Facebook and Instagram page has been a lot more active online, with posts about upcoming events, member participation, and general Purdue College of Agriculture events, like the annual College of Ag Ice Cream Social and fall Hog Roast. Current members and past Agronomy Club alumni, alike, are active on the pages, with liking and sharing our posts! Being in charge of the social media pages has allowed for me and other members to connect with previous members from other generations, which has been a great learning experience for all of us.
Agronomy Club meetings are weekly at 5:45 P.M., usually in Lily 2-245, unless we are taking a tour somewhere. During the meetings, we have work sessions, plan events we are participating on campus, work on SASES presentations, and have fun! Work sessions entail of making Munsell color charts and plant mounts, as well as seed identification packets for 4-H and FFA soil and crops judging teams.You don't have to be an agronomy major, or have an agronomy minor to join Agronomy Club! If interested in following us on social media, please like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram! We would love to stay connected with you!
Facebook: @PurdueAgronomyClub (Purdue University Agronomy Club)
Instagram: @purdueagronomyclub (Purdue Univ. Agronomy Club)
Being a part of Agronomy Club also allows for amazing networking opportunities! Recently, we attended a Syngenta leadership event on campus with other Purdue College of Agriculture clubs and organizations. Pictured below I am sitting (on the far right corner in the front) with some other Agronomy Club members and Agronomy Ambassadors, as well as a few Agricultural Systems Management club members.

-Boiler Up and happy Monday!
Deatra Gremaux
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