Hello Agronomy followers,
My name is Christy Kettler. I am a junior studying Agronomy:
Crop and Soil Management in the College of Agriculture here at Purdue
University. I also have a minor in Agricultural Economics and a certificate in
Leadership Development with plans to graduate in May 2017. This past summer I
was an Agronomy and Sales Intern for Beck’s Hybrids in central and northern
Indiana. I had the opportunity to travel the state and learn from senior
agronomists while collecting observations and photos for weekly scouting reports
in Indiana Prairie Farmer. From corn emergence to blister stage, I scouted
fields for insects, diseases, deficiencies, and adverse growing conditions.
Later in the season, I utilized UAVs to observe patterns in the fields. This
past summer, I also attended the AFA Crop Science Institute in Des Moines, Iowa
where I learned about the future of crop science careers and the impact of
production agriculture on the growing population. Back on campus, I am
finishing up my term serving on the Student Council for the College of
Agriculture and beginning my time as an Agronomy/NRES Ambassador. I am also a
cheerleader for football and basketball. Go Boilers! I have been a part of
various campus activities and trips throughout the country and have completed
two internships. I have studied abroad in Costa Rica and Ireland through Purdue
Agriculture. I love being a Boilermaker and hope to share my story while
encouraging younger Boilers to be the best they can be. I love agriculture and
am so proud to be where I am. I will be Ever Grateful and Ever True, all Hail

Photo from a farm on my Costa Rica study abroad in May 2013.
Photo in uniform from a football game at Ross-Ade Stadium at Purdue University.
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