Another great example of the opportunities here in the Purdue Agronomy Department is the ability to join the Student Chapter of the Soil & Water Conservation Society. As a member of the chapter you are given the opportunity to meet people in the industry from NRCS and other organizations during the monthly meetings. Likewise each fall semester you are able to attend the annual Hoosier meeting. This year the meeting took place at Ball State University and focused on Soil Health Above and Below the Surface. We had different speakers from all over the state that present different topics for the members. We even had one of our very own professors, Dr. Graveel, from the department of Agronomy to talk about Aggregate Stability and soil microbes.

Another part of the meeting is the announcement of the annual Hoosier Chapter Scholarship Recipient. Each year the Hoosier Soil & Water Conservation Society will award a $1,000 scholarship to a student in the chapter. The Purdue Agronomy Students have long term been recipients of this award. Last year I was blessed with the opportunity to receive this award and now this year another student from Purdue was given this award, Ariel Kucera. Congratulations on receiving this scholarship!
The Soil & Water Conservation is a great organization to get involved in while at Purdue. It allows great opportunities to network with people in the industry, stay up to date with current issues in the industry, and also stay connected with some of the previous professors and students from the Purdue Department of Agronomy and Natural Resources. I strongly encourage everyone to get involved. If this is something that interests you please join our next meeting at Purdue on November 18th at 5:45 in Lily 3-409. Everyone is welcome and feel free to bring your friends!
-Maggie Shoue, President of Purdue Soil & Water Conservation Society
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