My name is Jurgin Cripe. I'm a senior here at Purdue University studying agronomy with a concentration in business and marketing. I'm from North Manchester, IN which is in the Northeastern part of the state. We have a row crop, hay, and cow calf operation which takes up much of my free time especially on weekends and harvest time. Ever since I was a little kid I knew I either wanted to farm or do something in the agricultural field so I decided what better way to pursue that dream than to attend one of the best agricultural schools in the nation. So here I am, senior year and beginning the application process for a potential dream job.

This past summer I had the opportunity to intern with Crop Production Services, thanks to Purdue's agricultural career fair they host every semester. While I was with CPS this summer I was able to work hands on with all aspects of their business. CPS is the countries leading provider of agricultural inputs. They provide farmers many ag services, and agricultural products
such as fertilizer, chemical, and seed. My activities this summer included scouting fields, working with farmers, delivering different products to farmers, and other various operations around the plant. I also had the opportunity to travel around to a different CPS
plants once every week all across the state with other CPS interns who
predominantly attended Purdue as well. This internship provided for me
sales experience, many networking opportunities, and agronomic training
which will benefit me throughout my career.
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