Hi Everyone,
I hope everyone is having a wonderful first week of classes. I am very excited for this semester because I have such a wide variety of classes. All my professors seem very passionate about the subject they are teaching too. In my physics class, I made a new friend. He's a freshman this year and was having trouble figuring out where to find food to snack on when he was running between classes. I told him I spent most of my first semester exploring the different buildings on campus trying to find food as well. I then told him all the places I knew where to find food quickly. So, I thought I might share some of this food knowledge with you guys too.
- There is a variety of food in the basement/first floor, depending on how you think of it, of PMU (purdue memorial union). Although it's usually not a very quick place to find food.
- In STEW (stewart building) there is a little store like the ones you find in airports that has a bit of everything.
- There are some good vending machines on the first floor of Lily.
- There is also a couple of vending machines in MTHW (matthew) as well as a really nice computer lab.
- Right next door to MTHW is BRNG. In the basement of BRNG there are a ton of vending machines as well as smaller computer labs.
- On the first floor of EE (electrical engineering) there are some vending machines that take debit cards if you don't have any cash on you and you're desperate for food. They're right outside the bottom door of the big lecture hall RM 129.
- The building next to EE is MSEE (materials engineering) and it has a little cafe cart on the first floor that you can basically get anything there that you would get at Starbucks. They have very good muffins. :)
- And if you are way over by ARMS (armstrong building) there is another little cafe in their basement.
I hopes this helps you guys survive the first couple weeks of class, especially when you don't have time for lunch until right before the dining halls close.
Katheryn Best